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Experience an in-depth exploration of the GYROTONIC® level 1 movement principles, learn a progressive series of Gyrotonic class sequences, develop teaching skills, and techniques unique to the GYROTONIC® Expansion System, and teach GYROTONIC® sessions to clients.


In this program students learn to design, and teach a progressive sequence of GYROTONIC® Level 1 exercise classes on the GYROTONIC® Pulley Tower Combination Unit. The 188 hour program is composed of four sequential courses (See course details below). Students typically begin teaching the GYROTONIC® Method in the role of apprentice within 3 months after beginning the program. It takes approximately 1 year to complete the full program and to become a fully qualified GYROTONIC® Trainer.

GYROTONIC® Trainers are eligible to register for GYROTONIC® specialized courses and GYROTONIC® specialized equipment courses.

GYROTONIC® Trainers attend at least one continuing education course every two years in order to expand their skill set and maintain their certification and trademark license.

Why GYROTONIC® Level 1 Teacher Training Program?

  • Experience an in-depth exploration of GYROTONIC® principles, and level 1 movement sequences under the direction of a skilled GYROTONIC® Master Trainer

  • Learn to professionally teach the GYROTONIC® Level 1 exercise sequences on the GYROTONIC® Pulley Tower

  • GYROTONIC® level 1 Trainers have access to specialized GYROTONIC® teacher training courses, including specialized equipment courses.

1. GYROTONIC® Pre-Training Course   -   6 days/30 hours


To provide a foundational understanding of the GYROTONIC® level 1 exercises and prepare students physically for the GYROTONIC® Level 1 Foundation Course. During this course students focus on gaining experience, and developing a personal understanding of the exercises on the Pre-Training Course exercise list.

 Lisa Marie Goodwin presents the current exercises and explanations needed to prepare the candidate for the Level 1 Training course. This course will focus both on the physical execution of the movements involved as well as deepening the mental understanding of the GYROTONIC® principles applied. This class completely fulfills the maximum Pre-Training requirements of Level 1 exercises on the machines. It is a 6-day course that's 30 hours. Prior experience with GYROTONIC® is highly recommended before entering this course. Students must take a GYROTONIC® Level 1 Foundation course following within 3 months after completing their Foundation Pre-Training.



Students should take a minimum of ten or more classes with a Certified GYROTONIC® Level 1 Trainer prior to registering for this course. During this time they need to have a full understanding of Progression 1 from the manual prior to entering the Foundation Course

Upon successful completion...

Once students have successfully completed the GYROTONIC® Level 1 Pre-Training Course and are approved from their Pre-Trainer, they may proceed to the GYROTONIC® Level 1 Foundation Course.

Lisa Marie Goodwin presents the current exercises and explanations needed to prepare the candidate for the Level 1 Training course. This course will focus both on the physical execution of the movements involved as well as deepening the mental understanding of the GYROTONIC® principles applied. This class completely fulfills the maximum Pre-Training requirements of Level 1 exercises on the machines as well as 2, hour and a half GYROKINESIS® prior to enrollment into Level 1. It's a 6-day course that's 30 hours. Prior experience with GYROTONIC® is highly recommended before entering this course. Students must take a GYROTONIC® Level 1 certification course following within 3 months after completing their Foundation Pre-Training.

2. GYROTONIC® Foundation Course  -   12 days/60 hours


To provide a more in-depth understanding of the GYROTONIC® level 1 curriculum and provide students with the specific skills and techniques needed to teach these exercises to others. During this course, a GYROTONIC® Master Trainer introduces the teaching techniques and principles underlying the GYROTONIC® level 1 exercise syllabus and introduces the complete GYROTONIC® level 1 exercise curriculum.



Successful completion of the GYROTONIC® Level 1 Pre-Training Course.


Upon successful completion...

Once students successfully complete the Gyrotonic Level 1 Foundation Course, they are considered a GYROTONIC® Apprentice. At this stage the GYROTONIC® Level 1 Apprenticeship period begins and students can begin teaching the GYROTONIC® level 1 exercises they have learned in the role of GYROTONIC® Level 1 Apprentice. The apprenticeship license is valid for 1 year.


Lisa Marie presents the most current Level 1 curriculum and preliminaries as taught by Juliu Horvath. Upon completion of this course, participants will receive "Apprentice" status and may begin teaching the work. Students are eligible to take the Level I Final Certification no less than six (6) months after completion of this course, or more than 12 months after completion.

Please note: Prior to the start date, candidates must have completed the Pre-Training with a certified GYROTONIC® Pre-Trainer and will be expected to present their Pre-Training Qualification sheet on the first day of the course. 

3. GYROTONIC® Apprenticeship   -   6-12 months


To help GYROTONIC® Level I Apprentices expand their experience and understanding of the GYROTONIC® Level 1 Foundation Course material and prepare them for the GYROTONIC®  Level 1 Final Certificate Course. During the apprenticeship period students are required to complete 60 “teaching client” hours and a minimum of 30 supervised apprenticeship hours. Apprentices complete their supervised apprenticeship hours under the guidance and supervision of a GYROTONIC® Master Trainer, either in the form of a GYROTONIC® Apprenticeship Course, or by re-taking the GYROTONIC®Foundation Course.



Successful completion of the GYROTONIC® Level 1 Foundation Course


Upon successful completion...

Once Apprentices have successfully completed all of the apprenticeship requirements, they can proceed to the GYROTONIC® Level 1 Final Certificate Course.

4. GYROTONIC® Final Certificate Course   -   3 Days/approximately 17 hours



The purpose of this course is two fold. It is an education course and it is also a practical assessment of students' teaching skills and their understanding of the GYROTONIC® Level 1 curriculum. To successfully complete this course, Apprentices must physically execute and demonstrate a proficient understanding of the exercises and principles in the GYROTONIC® Level 1 Foundation Course syllabus. Additionally, Apprentices must apply the appropriate verbal cues and physical guidance to a moving person according to the GYROTONIC® Level 1 Foundation Course manual.



Successful completion of the GYROTONIC® apprenticeship requirements


Upon successful completion...

Upon successfully completing the GYROTONIC® Level 1 Final Certificate Course, students are considered Certified GYROTONIC® Trainers, and are granted a trademark use license.  GYROTONIC® Trainers are required to meet continuing education requirements and renew their certification, and trademark license every two years. After successful completion of the GYROTONIC® Level 1 Teacher Training Program, students are also eligible to enroll in GYROTONIC® Specialized Courses, and GYROTONIC® Specialized Equipment Courses.


GYROTONIC® Level 2, Program 1 Pre-Training Course   -   3 Days

This three day course introduces GYROTONIC® Trainers to the Level 2, program 1 exercises and prepares them for the GYROTONIC® Level 2, Program 1 course. Students will complete the level 2, program 1 course within one year after completing this pre-training course.



Must be a certified GYROTONIC® Level 1 Trainer (successfully complete the final certificate course) for a minimum of 4 months before registering for this course.


GYROTONIC® Level 2, Program 1 Course   -   4 Days

In this course GYROTONIC® Trainers learn the GYROTONIC® Level 2, Program 1 exercise sequences. The course builds on the level GYROTONIC®, Level I curriculum, by introducing more challenging, endurance building exercise sequences including: an advanced hamstring series with a focus on cardiovascular endurance, an advanced handle unit series in multiple standing positions, and handle unit sequences in more challenging variations of the level 1 sitting positions, a level 2 traction series, an advanced upper body series in standing positions , and an advanced abdominal series.



Successful completion of the GYROTONIC®, Level 2, Program 1 Pre-Training course.

GYROTONIC® Level 2, Program 2 Pre-Training Course   -   3 Days

This three day course introduces GYROTONIC® Trainers to the Level 2, program 2 exercises and prepares them for the GYROTONIC® Level 2, Program 2 Course. 

Students will complete the level 2, program 2 course within one year after completing this pre-training course.


Must be a certified GYROTONIC® Level 1 Trainer (successfully complete the final certificate course) for a minimum of 4 months before registering for this course.

GYROTONIC® Level 2, Program 2 Course   -   4 Days

In this Course, GYROTONIC® Trainers learn the GYROTONIC® Level 2, Program 2 exercise sequences. This course builds on the GYROTONIC® Level 1 exercise curriculum by introducing exercise sequences that are more demanding in regards to strength, flexibility, and coordination. Exercise sequences include: an advanced handle unit series with emphasis on flexibility, and strength, an advanced hamstring series with an emphasis on flexibility, and strength, two advanced, standing, upper body sequences, an advanced floor work series, and an advanced abdominal series with an emphasis on flexibility and strength.


Successful completion of the GYROTONIC® Level 2, Program 2 Pre-Training Course.



Experience an in-depth exploration of the GYROKINESIS® level 1 movement principles and class formats. Develop the timing, and verbal and tactile skills to teach a GYROKINESIS® group class.



In this program students learn to conduct two in-depth GYROKINESIS® class formats. The 138 hour program is composed of four sequential courses. (See course information below.) Students typically begin teaching the GYROKINESIS® Method in the role of “apprentice” within 3 months after beginning the program. It takes approximately 1 year to complete the full program and become a certified GYROKINESIS® Trainer.

Those who successfully complete the program are qualified to teach GYROKINESIS® level 1 exercise sequences to students in the role of Gyrokinesis Trainer. GYROKINESIS® Trainers are also eligible to enroll in GYROKINESIS® specialized courses and certain GYROKINESIS® specialized equipment courses.

GYROKINESIS® Trainers complete at least one continuing education course every two years in order to expand their skills and to maintain their GYROKINESIS® certification and trademark license.

Why the GYROKINESIS® Level 1 Teacher Training Program?

  • Experience an in-depth exploration of GYROKINESIS® principles, and level 1 class formats with skilled GYROKINESIS® teacher trainers.

  • Learn to teach with rhythm, and flow. Develop effective tactile, and verbal cueing skills that are unique to the GYROKINESIS® Expansion System Method.

  • Learn to teach the GYROKINESIS® level 1 class formats to a group class

1.  GYROKINESIS® Pre-Training Course -  6 days/30 hours


To provide a foundational understanding of the GYROKINESIS® level 1 exercises and prepare students physically for the GYROKINESIS® Level 1 Foundation Course. During this course students focus on gaining experience, and developing a personal understanding of the exercises on the GYROKINESIS® Level 1 Pre-Training Course exercise list.



An experienced GYROKINESIS® student, with a basic understanding of the GYROKINESIS®, level I class formats. Students should take a minimum of 10 or more GYROKINESIS® classes with a certified GYROKINESIS® Trainer prior to registering for this course.

Upon successful completion...

Once students have successfully completed the GYROKINESIS® Level I Pre-Training Course, they are qualified to proceed to the GYROKINESIS® Level 1 Foundation Course.

2.  GYROKINESIS® Foundation Course  -  9 days/45 hours


To provide a more in depth understanding of the exercises in the GYROKINESIS® level I 6o minute format class and 90 minute format class, and provide students with the specific skills and techniques to teach these exercise sequences to others. During this course, a GYROKINESIS® Master Trainer introduces the principles, and teaching techniques underlying the GYROKINESIS® level 1 exercise syllabus.



Successful completion of the GYROKINESIS® Level I Pre-Training Course.


Upon successful completion...

Once students successfully complete the GYROKINESIS® Level 1 Foundation Course, they are considered a GYROKINESIS® Level I Apprentice. At this stage the GYROKINESIS® Level I apprenticeship period begins and students are granted a trademark license that allows them to teach GYROKINESIS® classes in the role of Apprentice. The apprenticeship license is valid for 1 year.

3.  GYROKINESIS® Apprenticeship  -  6-12 months


To help apprentices review and practice the GYROKINESIS® Level I Foundation Course material and prepare for the GYROKINESIS® Level I Final Certification Course. During the apprenticeship period apprentices are required to complete 30 “teaching client” hours and a minimum of 15 supervised apprenticeship hours. Apprentices complete their supervised apprenticeship hours under the guidance and supervision of a GYROKINESIS® Master Trainer, either in the form of a GYROKINESIS® Apprenticeship Course, or by re-taking the GYROKINESIS® Foundation Course.


Successful completion of the GYROKINESIS® Level I Foundation Course


Upon successful completion...

Once apprentices have successfully completed all of the apprenticeship requirements, they are qualified to proceed to the GYROKINESIS® Level I Final Certification Course.

4.  GYROKINESIS® Final Certificate Course  -  3 Days/approximately 15-18 hours


The purpose of this course is two-fold. It is an education course and it is also a practical assessment of the students’ teaching skills and their understanding of the GYROKINESIS® Level I curriculum. To successfully complete this course, apprentices must physically execute and demonstrate the exercises and principles from the GYROKINESIS® Level I Foundation Course syllabus. Additionally, apprentices must apply the appropriate verbal cues and physical guidance to a moving person according to the GYROKINESIS® Level I Foundation Course manual.


Successful completion of the GYROKINESIS® Level 1 Apprenticeship requirements. There must be a minimum of 6 months, and maximum of 1 year apprenticeship period between the foundation course, and the final certificate course.

Upon successful completion...

Upon successfully completing the GYROKINESIS® Level I Certificate Course, students are considered Certified GYROKINESIS® Trainers. GYROKINESIS® Trainers are required to meet continuing education requirements and renew their certification, and trademark license every two years. After successful completion of the GYROKINESIS® Level I Teacher Training Program, students are eligible to enroll in GYROKINESIS® specialized courses.



GYROTONIC® Specialized Equipment courses expand on the principles and exercises learned in the GYROTONIC® Level 1 Teacher Training Program.



There are teacher training courses available for each of the four pieces of GYROTONIC® Specialized Equipment. GYROTONIC® Specialized Equipment courses expand on the principles and exercises learned in the GYROTONIC® Level 1 Teacher Training Program, allowing Trainers to apply those principles in completely new, and unique ways. Each GYROTONIC® Specialized Equipment Course fulfills the continuing education (update) requirement for GYROTONIC® Level 1 Trainers.

GYROTONIC® Archway Level 1 Course  -  6 days/30 hours

In this course, GYROTONIC® Trainers learn to apply GYROTONIC® movement principles to exercises on the Archway.  This is a heart opening, traction, hanging and levitating experience with dynamic gymnastic movements as well as therapeutic. Recent additions such as a rotating propeller and adjustable arms make the GYROTONIC® Archway a truly unique piece of exercise equipment.


GYROTONIC® Level 1 Trainer

GYROTONIC® Archway Level 2 Course  -  6 days/30 hours

In this course, GYROTONIC® Trainers expand on the exercises sequences covered in the Archway Level 1 Course, learning new sequences, with increased strength, flexibility, and coordination challenges.


Successful completion of the Archway Level 1 Course

GYROTONER® Course -  4 Days


In this course, GYROTONIC® Trainers learn to apply GYROTONIC® movement principles to exercises on the GYROTONER®.  Use of the GYROTONER® will allow one to experience movement in different planes as well as extensive working of the hip, pelvis, and SI joint.



GYROTONIC® Level 1 Trainer

GYROTONIC® Leg Extension Unit Course  -  6 days/30 hours


In this course, GYROTONIC® Trainers learn to apply GYROTONIC® movement principles to exercises on the Leg Extension Unit. The combinations of movement challenge the neuromuscular system to release old and re-establish new patterns. The design of this machine is like no other allowing one to work the correct muscles of the legs to extend and flex the knees while creating space verses compression of the joints. Sometimes we like to refer to this as the "Happy Feet" course.


GYROTONIC® Level 1Trainer (or) GYROKINESIS® Level 1 Trainer

GYROTONIC® Jumping-Stretching Board Course  -  7 days/35 hours


In this course, GYROTONIC® Trainers learn to apply GYROTONIC® movement principles to exercises on the Jumping Stretching Board.   This is the one machine that actually allows the client to be in a supine position, yet firing muscles as though they were upright, thus permitting the jump to be properly executed by the correct firing pattern of muscles involved.


GYROTONIC® Level 1Trainer (or) GYROKINESIS® Level 1 Trainer

GYROTONIC® Applications for the Hip and Knee  -  3 Days

In this course, students will learn theories and approaches for addressing knee and hip issues from the perspective of the GYROTONIC® exercise method. Basic anatomy of the knee and hip will be covered. Students will learn how to create a healthy scenario for clients with hip and knee issues and get pre and post operative suggestions for a client’s progressive home and studio regimen. The GYROTONIC® pulley tower will be the primary equipment used, but the course will also explore how specialized equipment can assist with knee and hip issues. Specialized Equipment training is not a prerequisite for the course.

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Goodwin Studios, LLC  •  2001 S. Barrington Ave. Suite #115  •  Los Angeles, CA 90025  •  310.235.2100  •

GYROTONIC®GYROKINESIS®, & GYROTONER®, GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® are registered trademarks of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and are used with permission. 
All rights reserved. Copyright © 2019

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